- カスタマーハラスメントに対する基本方針
CUSTORMER HARASSMENTカスタマーハラスメントに対する基本方針
- 提供する商品・サービスに瑕疵・過失が認められない場合
- 要求の内容が提供する商品・サービスの内容とは関係がない場合
- 身体的な攻撃(暴行、傷害)
- 精神的な攻撃(脅迫、中傷、名誉毀損、侮辱、暴言)
- 威圧的な言動
- 土下座の要求
- 継続的な(繰り返される)、執拗な(しつこい)言動
- 拘束的な行動(不退去、居座り、監禁)
- 差別的な言動
- 性的な言動
- 従業員個人への攻撃、要求
- 商品交換の要求
- 金銭補償の要求
- 謝罪の要求(土下座を除く)
Stargate Hotel Kansai Airport (SiS Stargate Hotel Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as “The Company”) is constantly striving to improve service quality so as to ensure safe and pleasant time for the hotel guests. The Company has established and disclosed this policy in aims to improve service quality and to protect our employees. Please note that this initiative is not intended to eliminate the valuable opinions of our customers.
The following is in accordance with the “Corporate Manual on Customer Harassment Prevention” published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Definition of Customer Harassment
Complaints and behavior from customers, etc., where the means and manner of achieving the request are socially unacceptable in light of the appropriateness of the content of the request, and where the employee’s working environment is harmed by the means and manner of achieving the request.
The following are examples and are not limited to these actions.
When the content of the customer’s request lacks validity
- When there are no defects or negligence in the service provided.
- When the customer’s request is not related to the content of the goods or services we provide.
When means and manners of fulfilling the request are socially inappropriate.
(Regardless of the validity of the demand, those highly likely to be considered inappropriate)
- Physical aggression (assault, injury)
- Mental aggression (threat, slander, defamation, insult, verbal abuse)
- Intimidating words or actions
- Demanding apology on one’s knees
- Persistent behavior and words
- Restrictive behavior (refusal to leave, sit-in, confinement)
- Discriminatory behavior
- Sexual Harassment
- Personal Attacks or demands directed at a particular employee
(Requests that may be deemed inappropriate in light of their validity)
- Demand for exchange of goods
- Demand for monetary compensation
- Demand for apology (other than apology on one’s knees included in the list above)
Measures Against Customer Harassment (Our Request)
Most of our customers use our hotel without the occurrence of any of the actions listed above. However, in case the Customer Harassment as described above occurs, we may refuse the use of our facility and services. In the event that we deem the behavior to be malicious, we may take measures such as consulting and reporting to external organizations. (lawyers, police, etc.)
We will continue to make every effort to improve the quality of our services, and we would appreciate your continued cooperation and patronage.
June 1, 2024